// MINI MOTEUR // var IdFormMiniMoteur="IdFormMiniMoteur"; // Id Du formulaire Mini Moteur (Vide si aucun) var IdDivCacheMiniMoteur="DivMiniMoteur"; // Id de la div mini moteur initialement masquée var ShowMiniMoteurEffect="Blind"; // Effet d'aparence du mini moteur ("Blind" ou "Slide") var IdImgPlusMoins="IdImgPlusMoins"; // Id de l'image plus se transformant en moins var IdImgTexte="IdImgTexte"; // Id de l'image qui se transformant comme plus moins // FORMULAIRE // var FormDetail = new Array(); var FormDeposer = new Array(); var FormContact = new Array(); var FormEnregistrer = new Array(); var FormAnnuaire = new Array(); var IdChampEmail1="email"; // Id du champs email 1 var IdChampEmail2="email2"; // Id du champs email 2 (Vide si inexistant) var IdFormAlertEmail="IdFormAlertEmail"; // Id du formaulaire d'alerte e-mail // Liste des Id des champs obligatoire pour chaque formulaire // Le nom du tableau de chaque champs obligatoires définit l'Id du formulaire TabFormDetail = ['nom','tel','email','email2']; TabFormDeposer = ['nom','tel','email','email2']; TabFormContact = ['nom','tel','email','email2']; TabFormEnregistrer = ['nom','tel','email','email2']; TabFormAnnuaire = ['nomSite','urlSite', 'urlPage', 'desc', 'email', 'email2']; // MOTEUR RECHERCHE // var TabIdChampAVider = new Array(); TabIdChampAVider = ['ville1','motscles']; // ID des champs à vider lors de la validation du formulaire s'il possede la même valeur qu'au debut // GOOGLE MAP // /*********************************/ /* MAP INIT CONFIG */ /*********************************/ var NbMapOnsite = 0; // Nombre de carte sur le site var TabGGMap = new Array(NbMapOnsite); /////////// Don't Touch /////////// for(var q=0;q<=NbMapOnsite;q++) TabGGMap[q] = new Array(); ////////// Don't Touch /////////// ///// ///// // ----------- 0 ---------- // ///// ///// /*********************************/ /* INIT CURRENT MAP CONFIG */ /*********************************/ var CMN = 0; // Config map number /*********************************/ /* MAP DIV */ /*********************************/ TabGGMap[CMN]["DivGGMap"] = "GGMapDiv"; /*********************************/ /* MAP INIT */ /*********************************/ TabGGMap[CMN]["ZoomMap"] = 10; TabGGMap[CMN]["CenterMapLat"] = 0; TabGGMap[CMN]["CenterMapLng"] = 0; TabGGMap[CMN]["MapOrStreet"] = "MAP"; TabGGMap[CMN]["CenterMapAdresse"] = "Béziers, France"; TabGGMap[CMN]["CenterMapFromIp"] = true; /*********************************/ /* MAP MARKER */ /*********************************/ TabOMarker = Array(); TabGGMap[CMN]["EnableMapMarker"] = true; TabGGMap[CMN]["ShowMarkerOnMouseOver"] = false; /*********************************/ /* MAP POLYLINE */ /*********************************/ TabGGMap[CMN]["EnableMapPolyline"] = false; /*********************************/ /* MAP POLYGONE */ /*********************************/ TabGGMap[CMN]["EnableMapPolygon"] = false; /*********************************/ /* MAP CIRCLE */ /*********************************/ TabGGMap[CMN]["EnableMapCircle"] = false; /*********************************/ /* MAP TYPE */ /*********************************/ // MAP TYPE //* G_NORMAL_MAP displays the default road map view //* G_SATELLITE_MAP displays Google Earth satellite images //* G_HYBRID_MAP displays a mixture of normal and satellite views //* G_PHYSICAL_MAP displays a physical map based on terrain information. //* G_DEFAULT_MAP_TYPES contains an array of the above three types, useful for iterative processing. TabGGMap[CMN]["MapType"] = "G_NORMAL_MAP"; // This map type (which is the default) displays a normal street map. //TabGGMap[CMN]["MapType"] = "G_HYBRID_MAP"; // This map type displays a transparent layer of major streets on satellite images. //TabGGMap[CMN]["MapType"] = "G_PHYSICAL_MAP"; // This map type displays maps with physical features such as terrain and vegetation. This map type is not displayed within map type controls by default. //TabGGMap[CMN]["MapType"] = "G_SATELLITE_MAP"; // This map type displays satellite images. //TabGGMap[CMN]["MapType"] = "G_SKY_MAP_TYPES"; // An array of the one sky map type defined above (G_SKY_VISIBLE_MAP). //TabGGMap[CMN]["MapType"] = "G_MOON_MAP_TYPES"; // An array of the two Moon types defined above (G_MOON_ELEVATION_MAP and G_MOON_VISIBLE_MAP). //TabGGMap[CMN]["MapType"] = "G_MARS_MAP_TYPES"; // An array of the three Mars map types defined above (G_MARS_ELEVATION_MAP, G_MARS_VISIBLE_MAP, and G_MARS_INFRARED_MAP). //TabGGMap[CMN]["MapType"] = "G_SKY_VISIBLE_MAP"; // This map type shows a mosaic of the sky, covering the full celestial sphere. //TabGGMap[CMN]["MapType"] = "G_MOON_VISIBLE_MAP"; // This map type displays photographs taken from orbit around the moon. This map type is not displayed within map type controls by default. //TabGGMap[CMN]["MapType"] = "G_MARS_VISIBLE_MAP"; // This map type displays photographs taken from orbit around Mars. This map type is not displayed within map type controls by default. //TabGGMap[CMN]["MapType"] = "G_SATELLITE_3D_MAP"; // This map type, in conjunction with the Google Earth Browser Plug-in, displays a fully interactive 3D model of the Earth with satellite imagery. This map type is not displayed within map type controls by default. //TabGGMap[CMN]["MapType"] = "G_MARS_INFRARED_MAP"; // This map type displays a shaded infrared map of the surface of Mars, where warmer areas appear brighter and colder areas appear darker. //TabGGMap[CMN]["MapType"] = "G_DEFAULT_MAP_TYPES"; // An array of the first three predefined map types described above (G_NORMAL_MAP, G_SATELLITE_MAP, and G_HYBRID_MAP). //TabGGMap[CMN]["MapType"] = "G_MAPMAKER_MAP_TYPES"; // An array of the Mapmaker map types described above (G_MAPMAKER_NORMAL_MAP, G_SATELLITE_MAP, and G_MAPMAKER_HYBRID_MAP). //TabGGMap[CMN]["MapType"] = "G_MARS_ELEVATION_MAP"; // This map type displays a shaded relief map of the surface of Mars, color-coded by altitude. This map type is not displayed within map type controls by default. //TabGGMap[CMN]["MapType"] = "G_MOON_ELEVATION_MAP"; // This map type displays a shaded terrain map of the surface of the Moon, color-coded by altitude. This map type is not displayed within map type controls by default. //TabGGMap[CMN]["MapType"] = "G_MAPMAKER_NORMAL_MAP"; // This map type displays a street map with tiles created using Google Mapmaker. //TabGGMap[CMN]["MapType"] = "G_MAPMAKER_HYBRID_MAP"; // This map type displays a transparent layer of major streets created using Google Mapmaker on satellite images. /*********************************/ /* MAP CONTROLS */ /*********************************/ TabGGMap[CMN]["Controls"] = new Array(); // G_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT G_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT G_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT G_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT //TabGGMap[CMN]["Controls"].push(new Array("GScaleControl",true,"G_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT",100,100)); // Creates a control that displays the map scale. TabGGMap[CMN]["Controls"].push(new Array("GMapTypeControl",true,"G_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT",0,0)); // Creates a standard map type control for selecting and switching between supported map types via buttons. //TabGGMap[CMN]["Controls"].push(new Array("GSmallMapControl",true,"G_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT",100,100)); // Creates a control with buttons to pan in four directions, and zoom in and zoom out. //TabGGMap[CMN]["Controls"].push(new Array("GLargeMapControl",true,"G_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT",100,100)); // Creates a control with buttons to pan in four directions, and zoom in and zoom out, and a zoom slider. //TabGGMap[CMN]["Controls"].push(new Array("GNavLabelControl",true,"G_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT",100,100)); // Creates a dynamic "breadcrumb" label indicating the address of the current viewport as a series of nested address components. This control additionally provides navigation links to each of the individual address subcomponents. TabGGMap[CMN]["Controls"].push(new Array("GSmallZoomControl",true,"G_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT",0,0)); // Creates a control with buttons to zoom in and zoom out. //TabGGMap[CMN]["Controls"].push(new Array("GLargeMapControl3D",true,"G_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT",100,100)); // Creates a new 3D-style control with buttons to pan in four directions, and zoom in and zoom out, and a zoom slider. //TabGGMap[CMN]["Controls"].push(new Array("GSmallZoomControl3D",true,"G_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT",100,100)); // Creates a new 3D-style control with buttons to zoom in and zoom out. //TabGGMap[CMN]["Controls"].push(new Array("GMenuMapTypeControl",true,"G_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT",0,0)); // Creates a drop-down map type control for switching between supported map types. //TabGGMap[CMN]["Controls"].push(new Array("GOverviewMapControl",true,"G_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT",100,100)); // Creates a collapsible overview mini-map in the corner of the main map for reference location and navigation (through dragging). The GOverviewMapControl creates an overview map with a one-pixel black border. Note: Unlike other controls, you can only place this control in the bottom right corner of the map (G_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT). //TabGGMap[CMN]["Controls"].push(new Array("GHierarchicalMapTypeControl",true,"G_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT",100,100)); // Creates a "nested" map type control for selecting and switching between supported map types via buttons and nested checkboxes. /*********************************/ /* MAP OPTIONS */ /*********************************/ TabGGMap[CMN]["Options"] = new Array(); //TabGGMap[CMN]["Options"].push(new Array("Dragging",true)); // Enable / Disable the dragging of the map //TabGGMap[CMN]["Options"].push(new Array("GoogleBar",true)); // Enable / Disable google bar //TabGGMap[CMN]["Options"].push(new Array("InfoWindow",true)); // Enable / Disable info window operations on the map //TabGGMap[CMN]["Options"].push(new Array("ContinuousZoom",true)); // Enable / Disable continuous smooth zooming TabGGMap[CMN]["Options"].push(new Array("ScrollWheelZoom",true)); // Enable / Disable zooming using a mouse's scroll wheel TabGGMap[CMN]["Options"].push(new Array("DoubleClickZoom",true)); // Enable / Disable double click to zoom in and out